μISP™ Programmers
Our latest laboratory programmers equipped with the proprietary Algocraft® WriteNow!™ technology.

Algocraft® WriteNow!™
Industy-leading Proprietary Technology
Algocraft® has leveraged its 25 years of extensive experience in the production field to develop a brand-new programming system, addressing the challenges of increasing demand.
- Supports over 12,000 devices
- WriteNow! technology is built on an FPGA-based universal platform, hence existing devices enjoys latest programming protocols through software updates. The I/O digital front-end also supports high voltage (Vpp) devices.
- Powerful Programming Capability
- WriteNow! technology programs up to 8 devices simultaneously, cutting programming times, costs, and complexity. It achieves theoretical programming speeds for any device, maximizing production efficiency.
- Ethernet, USB, RS-232 and UART
- Several connection ports to a host PC: ethernet for maximum flexibility, USB for immediate use, RS-232 and UART for the older systems.
- ISO 26262 and IEC61508 Compliant
- WriteNow! programmers have been qualified, by a third party laboratory, as ISP universal programmers compliant with automotive proiects that require the safety standard ISO 26262 and IEC61508.
μISP™ Programmers
Simply powerful.
μISP™ Programmers are designed for laboratory uses. With proprietary Algocraft® WriteNow!™ technology, it has all powerful features that one needs.

- 功能強大的 WriteNow!™ 軟體。
- ASCII 指令列協定、變數資料處理以及資料加密。
- 簡明而直覺的設計。
- 以滑鼠點選即可設定專案、管理檔案,進行訊號與記憶體分析。
- 資訊安全。
- 依照汽車電子產業的規範,我們強化了晶片燒錄的安全性以保護您的智慧財產權。
- 全面的晶片支援。
- 支援所有的通訊協定,意即現有或尚未推出的晶片都可以被支援。
- 強大的 API 支援。
- 使用 Visual C, Visual Basic, C#, LabView 等函式庫輕鬆地與 WriteNow!™ 整合。
- 記憶體回讀與比較功能。
- 不只可以擦除、燒錄和驗證——在除錯時,您常需要查看記憶體內容。我們已為您備妥。
List of SKUs
適用於 ARM 系列 MCU:
適用於 SPI、I2C 及 uWire 串行存儲器。
適用於 Microchip/Atmel 晶片。
適用於 NXP 晶片。
適用於 STM 晶片。
適用於 Infineon/Cypress 晶片。
適用於 Texas Instruments 晶片。
適用於 Renesas 晶片。
適用於 SiliconLabs 晶片。
Request a demo with us now.
Algocraft® μISP™ Programmers are the economic choices for R&D laboratory uses.